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If I load the values of a cue in a playback with the " load values" softbutton, I only get the values of the changes I made in that cue. Not the view I would see when I would playback the cues from the start.

But actually, if I press " load values" I would expect to see my whole stage view of that cue. I mean, also the values from the cues before. That is why I load the values of that cue so I can make changes of the view or save it somewhere else. 

Is there a reason that I only see the changes and not get the backtracked values with it?

A Goto cue x command next to the skip commands would also do the thing.


Hi there,

There reason for this is that "Load Values" is a helper function to be able to load a cue into the programmer to be able to change just that cue, and merge it back into it.
It was never designed to load tracked values as well (which would also destroy the possibility to load a cues content only and edit them for just this one cue) and internally it has no way to do so, as the Cues itself never store the actual tracked values, but rather are these calculated live during playback.

To load all values for selected fixtures from the values that are output, please refer to section on Page 126 of the English User Manual.
I think best in this case would be Shift + Edit at the same time.

As for the GoTo, I'd encourage you to do a post in the feature request section of the forum Smile

Hi Denis,

Thanks for the explanation. It is of course logical that "load values" only show the values of that cue. But only if you go to the cue with "Go" or "Skip +". In that way you see your complete output. So that indeed helps to have only the values of that cue to change them.  :-)

But [shift] [edit] would not help me for this. It would only help if I have a "Goto cue" function. I just needed the complete stageview to see the whole and I wanted to jump to the cue. I have 60 cues and did not want to " Skip +" every time again.

Maybe for the future it could be something you can choose load values with or without trackback (I can request that as well). For now I know that [shift] [edit] is good to make a block cue. I missed that function. So good to know this.


Load Values including tracking values is a massive change and nothing we can add "just like that" - it is something that would probably take a month or two to implement, as it changes the entire internals of the system - and to be honest - I never wished to load the whole output from the programmer (for editing) during my entire carreer as a lighting programmer Wink

However, I see that what you are actually more looking for is a way to go to a certain cue than for editing. This could be done, however it would be good if you do a "Add GoTo Function to Playback View" Feature request. Smile

We do not have any feature updates planned at the moment, but this could certainly be something to add to a feature update.

Best (and sorry for the bad news Smile ),
Thanks, in cue only systems you always have your complete output in the programmer. And if you want to block tracking", you also would like to have your complete output in the programmer. But ok,in that case you have a lot of zero values. Wink

And I understand what you say that that would be a massive change. If it could be done " just like that" indeed, it would have been fine. In my career as a light programmer I am used that you always have to find a workaround if it does not work as you want.
Yes, in a Cue Only console that's pretty obvious, as otherwise there would be no values for the lights at all - and hence all values are always stored in every cue. Since we only store changes and the actual tracking is calculated in the output, we have literally no way of loading all values that are output by a certain playback (including tracked values) back into the programmer. Even loading the output would not necessarily lead to the right result, because the actual output engine only sees values and timings, and has no idea where they come from Wink

I always like to understand where users are coming from and what they are trying to achieve. I've been a lighting programmer myself for most parts of my life, having done some fairly big shows and tours, but all Hog and MA1 / MA2, so I live in sort of a "tracking" world Wink

GoTo is still useful and sort of easy once the decision is made that we will do a feature update Wink
Hello Denis,
With a background in theatre I worked a lot on cue only consoles (ADB, Strand, Compulite), but also a lot on GrandMa and ETC Eos.
[color=#5a5a5a][size=small][font=Rubik, "Exo 2", sans-serif]Thanks, in cue only systems you always have your complete output in the programmer. And if you want to block tracking", [size=small][font=Calibri, sans-serif][color=#b60036][size=small][font=Nunito]Do my dissertation UK[/font][/size][/color][/font][/size][/font][/size][/color]
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