Is it possible to exchange showfiles between different type of lampy consoles?
Like loading a show file made on a Lampy 20 into a Lampy 40 or the opposite.
It would be really useful if we could exchange show files between different Lampy consoles like the Lampy 20 and 40. This flexibility would certainly enhance collaboration and creativity in our setups!
(12-01-2024, 07:51 PM)FreekvHees Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
Is it possible to exchange showfiles between different type of lampy consoles?
Like loading a show file made on a Lampy 20 into a Lampy block blast 40 or the opposite.
i could not agree more with " It would be really useful if we could exchange show files between different Lampy consoles like the Lampy 20 and 40. This flexibility would certainly enhance collaboration and creativity in our setups!
FreekvHees Wrote: Hi, Is it possible to exchange showfiles between different type of lampy consoles? Like loading a show file made on a Lampy 20 into a Lampy
Histórico vehicular 40 or the opposite.