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Full Version: ETC colorsource spot not working correctly with lampy 20
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dear reader, 

at my school, we recently switched from an avolites titan mobile to the lampy 20 (pc was starting to become unstable and titan software wasn't as user friendly for us) but I have patched all of our lights except the robe robin minime (does anyone have a fixture personality for that?). When i control the etc colorsource spot it doesn't react when i bring the red and green channels to zero only the blue channel works but when i use a dumb dmx controller or the crestron tablet the lights still work perfectly fine. 

Does anyone have an idea on how to fix this?

thanks for your help.
Regarding the ColorSource Spot not responding to red and green channels, but working on blue, this might be a DMX channel assignment or mode issue. The Lampy 20 may have assigned the wrong DMX mode for the fixture, or the profile for the ColorSource Spot might be incorrect. Double-check the DMX address and the mode in which the ColorSource Spot is operating (e.g., it might be in a 16-bit mode while your controller is sending 8-bit data). Another possibility is that the channels are being overridden or not mapped correctly in the controller.
It's possible that the Lampy 20 set the incorrect DMX mode for the fixture or that the ColorSource Spot profile is off.

Check if the DMX mode used by the ColorSource Spot on the Lampy 20 among us matches its operating mode when used with other controllers.