Hi there,
I brought some new Phantom Hybrid 3R Moving Heads and got the latest OS Version 10.4 on my chimp 300 but I can not find the needed fixture. Is it possible that you can provide it for me? Thanks a lot in advance and see you on monday. Nick
Hi Schuran,
We sent the fixturefile for the Phantom Hybrid 3R Moving Head to you by mail.
I ordered a chimp300 and I hope it will be delivered soon..

so I can used it soon for a project. (Other wise I used my creator 1024pro a little bit longer

But I wanted to know, if the fixtures I had to use already exists in the chimp, if not, where can I get it or how to create?
the fixtures I need:
Briteq bt70ls
Briteq bt60ls
Coeff mp300
(12-10-2017, 01:45 PM)Hans Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,
I ordered a chimp300 and I hope it will be delivered soon..
so I can used it soon for a project. (Other wise I used my creator 1024pro a little bit longer
But I wanted to know, if the fixtures I had to use already exists in the chimp, if not, where can I get it or how to create?
the fixtures I need:
Briteq bt70ls
Briteq bt60ls
Coeff mp300
Hi Hans,
I'm not currently behind a chimp. i'll check it for you tomorrow.
Cheers, Wesley
Hi Hans,
We have Coef MP300 in 14 Channelmode, Briteq BT60LS 15 channel mode.
We don't have Briteq BT70LS. This one you need to program.
Here is a list how to do this:
These are the steps to take for making your own fixture file direct onto the Chimp console:
1. enter [SETUP] menu
2. select Fixture Library (on left side of the screen)
3. select the USER LIBRARY tab
4. enter [Add Fixture]
• select: create empty / use existing as template
• fill in: Manufacturer name, Type name, Short Type Name, DMX Mode
5. Enter Channel Count: list of available channels is created:
• select the parameter section per channel, hit [SET] button to set the available parameters for the channels
6. once parameters are all set, check your table values for ‘dimmable type’, ‘default value’, ‘blackout’, ‘highlight value’, etc.
7. if all is ok, then hit [SAVE and CLOSE]
now it is possible to patch the created fixture in the patch menu from the User Library.
With kind regards,
Thanks Herald,
I hoped, I received the chimp today, so I could start to learn in real, instead to read the full manual over and over again and try to patched it.
When I get the chimp, I will have a look to the libary and try to create a fixture for the briteq bt70ls.
When I read and understand the manual well, then I can create in the fixture file also the different values for the colors and gobo's and I can use the briteq 60ls file as a template and modify it?
Hi Hans,
We do our best to ship your Chimp as soon as possible.
Yes, you could create the fixturefile for the Briteq bt70ls from our Libraray.
Or.....start from scratch, and create a whole new fixturefile.
With kind regards,
(28-09-2017, 02:39 PM)Harald Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Schuran,
We sent the fixturefile for the Phantom Hybrid 3R Moving Head to you by mail.
Hi Harald. Can you send me the same fixturefiles? I need the ones for Hybrid 3R and Beam 3R.
I'm using a Chimp 300 (V. 1.05) but I can't still find them in the library.