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Full Version: Intensity output delay
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I noticed tonight, when I was discover the chimp, there wil be a delay to the intensity output. 
F.e. I programmed a execute buton for my stageblinders , if I pressed the button I expect the output will be instant at full, but it takes a time. 
In setup > timings, I set the in and output times to zero (input default delay is  1sec) the other parameters are still in default "fade" 
What should I do to get a full instant output without delay, when I press my execute button?
Hi Hans,

after reading your question I suspect because the infade is 1sec by default, that this value is stored into the cuelist.
did you check the cuelist timings??
to open the cuelist press the [open] key folowed by the executor button which is linked to the cuelist: now the OS should switch to the playback window and open the cuelist on the right half of the screen.
in this right window you can check your timing.
by selecting the infade and pressing the [set] button, a pop-up appears where you can set your desired time for the infade. in your case this should be set to 0.0 to get an instant reaction to pushing the executor button.

hope this helps.

enjoy your time with your Chimp :-)