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  Impact of assignment writing services on education
Posted by: LisaHarry - 08-05-2024, 01:35 PM - Forum: Chimp Bug Reports - Replies (7)

The issue of the impact of assignment writing services on education is multifaceted and intricate, with both positive and negative aspects that must be considered. While these services can be highly beneficial to students when used appropriately, they can also have detrimental effects if used irresponsibly. In light of this, students must exercise caution and responsibility when seeking out such services. If you are currently in need of reliable assistance with your academic writing assignment help, I would highly recommend checking out Write My Assignments. They are a reputable digital service company that offers a diverse range of services to meet the varying needs of their clients. Not only are they a highly professional and affordable option, but they also have a customer-focused approach that ensures that you receive the best possible results for your writing projects. Additionally, they are available 24/7 to assist whenever you need it, making them a truly reliable and convenient choice.

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  add image to magic sheet
Posted by: Mika - 07-05-2024, 03:44 PM - Forum: Chimp General Questions - Replies (8)

Hello , I've just found out that LAMPY's update V2.1.0 allows to add an image on the magic sheet screen, wich is very conveniant and usefull for quick programming.
Why such a simple thing yet doesn't exist on the chimp???

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  Fixture 41003
Posted by: tuborg - 27-04-2024, 05:19 PM - Forum: Chimp Fixture Libraries - No Replies

Hello everyone, I'm looking for a profile for the Showtec 41003 - a bit older - but I have about 300 tubes and can still be used for decoration )) - I would be happy to receive something
lg. tuborg

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Posted by: moe-king - 28-03-2024, 02:17 PM - Forum: Chimp Fixture Libraries - No Replies

Hi, we need a new fixture in the libary. Didn't see it with the latest update.

Attached Files
.pdf   GTD-F400 S BSW User Manual ver1.pdf (Size: 2,36 MB / Downloads: 1)
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  Nuevas funciones y caracteristicas
Posted by: luisdiaz-2@hotmail.com - 26-03-2024, 07:52 PM - Forum: Chimp Feature Requests - Replies (2)

Buenas tardes y perdón por hablaros en español,mi ingles es muy malo.

Vengo de la consola lampy y realmente me a parecido muy fácil manejarla por que son muy parecidas las dos consolas,pero tengo que decir que hay algunas cosas superficiales que no me a gustado tanto.

1-Reloj tendría que ser el tamaño mas grande,quitar la fecha que no nos vale de nada y poner el reloj mas grande.

2-Poder tener la opción de calibrar el brillo de la pantalla,en ciertas ocasiones no se ve muy bien.

3-Para ser pantalla de 22 pulgadas lo veo todo muy grande,gobos paletas,color etc lo veo grande,

4-cuando te poner en la pagina de efectos y en su configuración,las letras y numero son muy grandes y tienes que estar todo el rato moviendo derecha    izquierda para el efecto,seria conveniente hacer las celdas pequeñas y poder ver mas información en la ventana de efectos.

  Luego en los encoder también poner en las celdas de cada uno el valor que estas moviendo o regulando,como en la mesa lampy

 Espero que en próximas actualizaciones se pueda hacer algunas cosas de las que yo e comentado ya que estoy seguro que algunos mas opinan lo mismo.

Un saludo y gracias

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  online training
Posted by: veryscan - 23-03-2024, 02:20 PM - Forum: Chimp Software Releases - Replies (1)

Would it be possible to offer online training about the latest release again? 
I found this very helpful at the time and I didn't have to travel 1000km. 
Best regards 

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  Groups for CueLists & Fixtures
Posted by: Edi_28 - 21-03-2024, 09:25 AM - Forum: Chimp Feature Requests - No Replies

It would be really nice, if CueLists and Fixtures could be organized in some kind of groups, to be able to put similar CueLists together (e.g. Colors, Positions) and not have to scroll through all the CueLists and rearrange them, so similar CueLists are placed each to each other.

I know, introducing a group stands in discrepancy with the currently unique CueList Id, but probably, there is a possibility to have the group id as an prefix.

For example:
Group 1 "Colors":
- CueList 1.1 "Red"
- CueList 1.2 "Green"

Group 2 "Positions":
- CueList 2.1 "Front Center"
- CueList 2.2 "Front Wide"

It would also help to have a new attribute "CueList Group" on the CueList, where you can select one of user created groups (could be done in the setup) just to have the possiblity to show them filtered by this group to be able to copy from them, etc., but I'm sure the developers know best how to implement an useful solution. 

I can imagine of several tabs in the CueList window, each shows a group of CueLists and one with "All Cuelists".
Such a feature would really help in organizing CueLists. Same would work for fixtures as well.

This is for sure a big change to the UI, etc. but would put the Chimp to a premium level in usability.

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  Is the Forum dead?
Posted by: Sebastian R. - 18-03-2024, 12:25 PM - Forum: Hangout - Replies (1)

Hey there!

This forum has now over 4500 users and I estimate that 95% of them are spam accounts.
Nearly every topic has at least one, most of them several replies with advertisment and other spam content.

The forum has been a valuable source of information for my Infinity Chimp and it hurts to see it rot away. Also it doesn't seemed to be linked on the Highlite homepage anywhere...

Are there any plans to clean up the Forum or to maintain it at all?

I bought the Infinity Chimp ~3.5 years ago as it was under active development and I really loved that this forum and the user input was heard during the development and that our wishes made it into the firmware. 

It would be really sad to see this kind of interaction just dead and abandoned.

Thanks and have a great day,

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  moving in new york
Posted by: sheikhvlada - 13-02-2024, 06:17 AM - Forum: LAMPY Tutorials - Replies (1)

best moving service in ny city?

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  Azərbaycanda mərc etmək üçün ən yaxşı yer?????
Posted by: joniannoxha - 13-02-2024, 05:50 AM - Forum: LAMPY Tutorials - No Replies

Azərbaycanda mərc etmək üçün ən yaxşı yer?

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