LAMPY 20 with DONGLE, V 1.04, Magic Sheet Bug
Type of the Desk: Brand new Lampy 20 2U

Software Version: V1.04

External Display Connected, is a touchscreen?: Yes, Yes

Connected USB Devices: Touch screen, Mouse

Networked Devices: None

Magic sheet empty after pressing cancel button in arrange new fixtures window

Steps to reproduce:
- Have some fixtures in your show
- Go to the patch window
- Add fixtures from factory lib.
- Search for Infinity Iw-740 RDM 28ch
- Press OK
- Fixture count = 12
- Autopatch on universe 2
- Patch
- Arrange Linear
- Sheet #1
- In arrange new Fixtures window press CANCEL
- All fixtures are removed from sheet #1
- Sheet 1 is showing : This Magic Sheet is empty

This is a frustrating bug since your whole show may be impacted by adding a couple of fixtures.
I didn't find a way to get the sheet back

Expected Behavior:
Do not change anything to my existing show

Observed Behavior:
Clearing the sheet.

I appreciate the excellent read. Your post on the subject really spoke to me. Bitlife

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That sounds like a frustrating bug indeed! It's important for software to maintain the integrity of existing work, especially in a professional setting where shows and events are at stake. Have you reached out to the software support team about this issue? In the meantime, to help you keep track of your time and ensure accurate payroll, I recommend using a time card calculator

I really hope to find a way to fix this problem soon.
Drift Boss

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