chimp 100 V 2.10 Bug Report: update fixture error
Type of the Desk: CHIMP 100G2 + banana

Software Version: 2.1

External Display Connected, is a touchscreen?: 2 touchscreens

Connected USB Devices: no

Networked Devices: yes
When I try to update the fixture library on the latest version,by network , at the "verifying checksum....." step all the keys goes off and chimp said "whoops! It looks like the server crashed.." and i need to reboot...!
How can I solve this?
Where can we download the file with the lastest version of the library fixture for updating by USB?


I solved the problem by updating with the old factory library (2021) and after that, the latest library, it worked.
But my question about where do we download the latest file for usb update is still unanswered..?

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If updating via the network is not working, you can consider downloading the fixture snow rider library update files onto a USB drive from a reliable source and then manually updating your CHIMP console via USB.


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