Hello Ron,
the way how to use the clearbutton comes from the GMA System (GMA1 and GMA2)
Chimp does only changed the order for 1,2,3 times clear..
Let me motivate you :
Consider yourself in Live conditions at a music band or a party or whatever.
You have 5 groups for movinglights assigned to faders.
With MAs way of clear you dont have to look wich groups are selected and wich not.
simple press once clear so you have no selection, then select group 3 and press preset color "red" for example.
With the way you have it right now, if you accidently press group 3 which is already selected......so what happen is you deselect group 3 and you press color "red" and nothing will happen.
see it in live conditions.......we don´t have always time to "look" around the desk which group is selected and which not.
Like the GMA1 and GMA2 does it is perfect........no need for a change in a basic funktion.
Have a great day
