Forum Structure
Hello everyone!

We have made some structural changes in the forum to make it more easy to navigate and find the right category to post your question or feedback. We'll continue to improve the forum within the next few days.

No posts have been deleted, I'm just working on sorting them into the right sections at the moment. You can see your own posts using your profile or the search function.



(10-09-2020, 08:57 PM)denishessberger Wrote: Hello everyone!

We have made some structural changes in the forum to make it more easy to navigate and find the right category to post your question or feedback. We'll continue to improve the forum within the next few days.

No posts have been deleted, I'm just working on sorting them into the right sections at the moment. You can see your own posts using your profile or the search function.



Thanks for your hard working

Papa's Pizzeria

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