[FIXED] Screen Scroll

I offten get problems, when I want to scroll. 
For example: I opened a preset page or cuelist view and want to scroll to a lower part of the screen and touch the sidebar and try to slide it down, but it doesn't work, I hoped the external keyboard page up or down wil work, but the don'nt.
How can I solve it? 

Is it a idea in a update, to highlite the border of a touched screen button? So you're shure you hit the button you want?

In the Preset-page or Ceulistview-page, you don't need to use the sidebar to scroll.
Try to swipe with one hand, and use 2 fingers (use your fingernales) to scroll the tiles up and down on the screen.
I know it's only a trick, but You will see, this will work a bit faster.
(C)lever (H)ow (I) (M)anage (P)rogramming Smile

Kind regards,  Harald

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