[Fixed 2.0] Chimp 100, V1.12 Bug "Do not release other cuelists" not working properly
I have patched 6 RGBW LED PAR fixtures and created cuelists for each of the colors. Each cuelist has one cue with one color and is set to "Off if overwritten".
Another cuelist has a cue which overwrites the colors with WHITE and randomly flashes the fixtures with a dimmer FX. This cuelist has set the "Do not release other cuelists".
Everything is working fine, but when you reload the show, the parameter is not evaluated properly and turns off any of the color cuelists. This happens until you untick and retick the option "Do not release other cuelists" in the flash cuelist.
It seems that the parameter is not loaded properly when the show is loaded.

Hi Edi,
This will be fixed in 2.0 Smile

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