[Done 2.1] Always MIB Bug in V2.06
The playback option "MIB: Always move when dark" in the cuelist settings will not be saved in the default cuelist preset and on copy / move cuelists with this option disabled results in enable this option on the new place.

I do not understand,

can you please write a step by step explanation of what you are doing, what is happening and what the expected output would be?


I have a cuelist with "MIB: Always move when dark" is off. Then I press the button for saving this cuelist settings as default at the top.
If I store a new cuelist the state of the option is still on even if I press the load default button.

On copy and move a cuelist with the off state of this option the copied or moved cuelist have this option enabled.

Expected behaviour would be to leave the option disabled if it was disabled

I hope it is easier to understand now.


It is!

thank you.

Unfortunately though development for the upcoming version (2.1) is more or less finished, so it may have to wait until the next version after to be fixed - we will however try to squeeze it in.

It's fixed in 2.1

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