German Manual
will there be a manual in German?
We have started translating the manual for our customers and so far, we have provided approx. 35-40% translated, the main features.
At the moment we are considering translating them if you don't publish them in German. 
We are also happy to provide you with ours, as we have simply replaced the English texts with German ones in the original manual and therefore all pictures and the layout are the same.

[Image: 30261458dd.jpg]
[Image: 30261465sq.jpg]
[Image: 30261469ml.jpg]

Die ersten rund 100 Seiten sind fertig übersetzt wer die Anleitung möchte kann Sie sich gern hier runterladen

Thank you for the translation of the manual. A friend of mine who own the chimp 300 doesn't speak english. I'll provide him your german translated one.
Are you already translated it complete?

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