Version 1.03 (28.03.2017)
This is a stable release fixing bugs that have been reported on Version 1.02 and several improvements based on user feedback. Version 1.03 also introduces support for the Banana Wing and Wireless DMX.
Banana Wing:
The Banana Wing can be connected to all consoles of the Chimp range including the Chimp 100 and Chimp 300. The Banana Wing adds 20 more Playback Fader Units extending the total number of Playback Faders to 30. All Playback Faders can be used with up to 100 Fader pages. The Banana Wing also adds 2 more DMX universes via ArtNet and DMX resulting in a total number of available universes of 4 for the Chimp 100 and 6 for the Chimp 300. The Banana Wing will also unlock an additional 100 fixtures on each console.
Wireless Solution W-DMX Module Support:
This software update contains a firmware upgrade to the IO PCB which enables the Wireless Solution W-DMX Module on DMX Universe 1. The W-DMX Module can be configured through the System Setup Menu. The W-DMX Module is sold as an accessory and needs to be ordered separately.
New Features:
- Added support for Banana Wing
- Added Wireless Solution W-DMX Module Support
- Added auto saving and restoring of Window States for Main Windows on both Screens
- Added new Feature to Link Fader and Executor Pages to Page Directory Dialog
- Added new Hotkey to restart User Interface: Infinity + Open + S4. The Hotkey can be used as a workaround to fix Dropdown boxes not responding, when using 2 screens
- Added Mouse Right-Click Emulation to Touchscreen Drivers (internal and external)
- Long-Clicking a Cell inside a Table can now be used to open the editor. Functionality is the same as double-clicking a cell with the only difference that long-clicking can also be used on multiple cells simultaneously, if these cells have been selected prior to the long-click.
- The "Manage Shows" Screen now is able to sort all Shows depending on their date of last use
- The Start-up Screen after Boot will now list all Shows in the order of their last use. The last opened show will automatically get pre-selected (it’s the first in the list).
- The Fixture Live Visualization has been upgraded with a new colour-mixing algorithm which is now able to visualize LED fixtures with any given LED combination of Red, Green, Blue, Amber, Lime, Violet, Indigo, Warm White and Cold White LEDs.
- Added Online Release Notes button to Online Update Menu showing latest release notes of all available online updates (Requires Internet Connection)
- The Record Cue Number block Syntax has been extended with "Time" and "Time Time" parameters to directly set an InFade and/or InDelay time during record
- Added new Pre-Defined Effect “Soft Fly In”, “Soft Fly Out”, "Snake"
- Added new Cuelist Timecode Mode Feature to configure Timecode Playback Mode to "Go" (Will activate Go on Timecode Cue when Timecode passes) or "Goto" (Will jump across the entire Cuelist to the best matching Timecode Cue)
Additional Changes:
- Updated USB Import Dialog to only show Open Show Button when Show Version is compatible
- Updated USB Import Dialog to check if the show to be imported show is currently opened
- Added Double-Click/Long Right Click Function to Fixture Library Range Editor, DMX Output Configuration Editor and Programmer Value Table
- Added new Number block Hotkey ".." setting the Dimmer Value of currently selected Fixtures to 0%
- Added new Hotkeys "Infinity + Fader Page Up" and "Infinity + Executor Page Up" will jump to first Fader or Executor Page
- Changed default behaviour for recording into an existing Cue from Replace to Merge Mode
- Renamed Align Toolbar to "Fan Mode" for consistency with Fan Function
- Added "Enter" Key to function as direct confirmation hotkey to many Dialogs (Delete, Create Second Cue, etc.)
- Programmer Colour Picker will now set Lime, Indigo, Violet and Warm White Values of LED Colour Mixing Fixtures to 0 when a new colour is selected
- RGB Rainbow Effects will now also set Lime, Indigo, Violet, Warm White and Cold White to Zero, if available
- Improved Cuelist Insert Algorithm to generate Cue Numbers in a smarter way
- "Record Cue x" Command on the Command line will now take the Record Mode "Insert" into account and insert a Cue before the specified Cue, if "Insert Mode" has been activated
- It is now allowed to create Cue Numbers smaller than 1. Inserting before Cue 1 will automatically create Cue 0, Cue 0.001 etc. Recording into an empty Cuelist will still create Cue 1 as first Cue.
- Modified Cuelist Engine: Intermediate Release of Values when a new Cue is started will now use Cue Fade and Delay Timings to release values instead of Cuelist Release Time
Record Cue Timing Syntax Extension ("[]" are optional parameters):
- Record [Time f] [Time Time d] Enter
- Record [Time f] [Time Time d] Cuelist x Enter
- Record [Time f] [Time Time d] Fader p.f Enter
- Record [Time f] [Time Time d] Executor p.e Enter
- Record [Time f] [Time Time d] [Cuelist x] Cue y Enter
- Record Cuelist x [Time f] [Time Time d] Enter
- Record [Cuelist x] Cue y [Time f] [Time Time d] Enter
Virtual Dimmer Update:
The Virtual Dimmer Function will now automatically scale the DMX Output of the following Channels:
- Red, Green, Blue
- Amber
- Warm White (new)
- Cold White
- Intensity (The I in HSI color mixing)
- Indigo (new)
- Violet (new)
- Lime (new)
- Fixed Executor Pages releasing active Cuelists when Page is changed
- Fixed minor Bug: Fixture Icon Patch Status didn't refresh, if Fixture patched/unpatched changed
- Fixed Cuelist Settings Window sometimes changing "Skip to First Cue on Release" Setting, when window is opened
- Fixed Fixture Library Bug: Exporting a specific selection of Fixtures always reported that no Fixture has been selected
- Fixed Cuelist Bug: Deleting all Cues while Cuelist was running would not remove values from output
- Fixed minor Bug: Deleting active Fader or Executor Page would not update GUI with new Active Page
- Fixed minor Bug: Removed non-functioning and unneeded "Cancel" button from Discard/Save Fixture Library Dialog
- Fixed minor Bug: Using the Cue Insert Dialog to Insert a new Cue will now automatically open the Keyboard Dialog to give a Cue name, if the "Name It!" Function inside the record toolbar is enabled
Known Issues:
- "Off if overwritten" will turn off Cuelist, if empty Cues are run or if Cuelists are overwritten by programmer values
- When using 2 monitors sometimes Dropdown boxes won't open on click. For now please use "Infinity + Open + S4" hotkey to restart GUI which fixes the problem until next reboot. We are sorry for this issue, but it is related to a third party vendor and we are trying to make them fix it.
AtlaBase Library:
- Updated Fixture Library to latest release from 28.03.2017