Clockwise v Counter Clockwise

Did someone noticed, that for example a pan/tilt effect engine "circle" , when you chose cw it will turn ccw and when ccw it will cw ? 
Or is my mistake and should it be seen from the fixture side and not from front?

Hi Hans,

for sure depending on the brand, pan/tilt movements will vary in rotation.
and also rotation will change depending on orientation of your fixtures.

if you want to correct this, then please invert the pan/tilt in your show settings :-)

have a nice weekend
Feed your Chimp, Keep Calm or go Banana's!!

Best regards,  Ron

Ron is very right on this one Smile

CW / CCW should be fine when:

You select the fixtures, turn the tilt encoder to the right and they move towards FOH (with PAN at 0°)
You select the fixtures, turn the pan encoder to the right and they move towards House Right (with TILT higher than 0°)


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